Asv3's Blog

November 26, 2009

Interesting Facts About Angles

Filed under: geometry — Tags: , , , , , , , , — asv3 @ 4:48 pm
Angles formed between two interesting straight lines, there are 3 types of angles
1. Acute angles – lesser than 90º
2. Obtuse angles – greater than 90º
3. Right angle – Exactly equal to 90º
Below are some interesting facts about angles.
  1. Adding up all angles in a 3 sided shape aka Triangle will make up to 180º
  2. Adding up all angles in a 4 sided shape/square/rectangle/parallelogram/quadilateral qill make up to 360º
  3. A right angle/90º angle denoted by a square mark
  4. If two angles add up to 180º then they are SUPPLEMENTARY
  5. If two angles add up to 90º they are COMPLEMENTARY
  6. Opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines are equal

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