Asv3's Blog

March 6, 2010

Learnings from GWT

Filed under: front-end, gwt — Tags: , , , , , , , — asv3 @ 8:15 am

You should admit that Google web toolkit is a nice piece of framework, which makes AJAX style development very easy. But for a starter there are some more things needs to be known before he starts.

– If you are a JAVA programmer, don’t think twice, GWT is the best web development toolkit available for you, go and use it
– People with Flex experience could find UiBinders GWT interesting, but for people don’t have such experience, this is bit new concept, but worth exploring.
– You need to explicitly create each and every div/HTML element in your page. Even though there are some widgets available, but they are minimal
– Default widgets/components comes with GWT is never enough for you, whatever they have now is very basic, you may have to develop some of your own
– Smart GWT, in one word I can say it’s very heavy. You cannot divide it on required modules. If you are using it for small part of your application, you end up paying more price than you need to. If you are using it for complete App then you have better chance of exploiting it.

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