Asv3's Blog

September 18, 2009

Object Oriented Javascript

Filed under: general — Tags: , , , , , — asv3 @ 9:35 pm

I keep hearing now a days, OO Javascript is the buzz word, may be the time has come to think that who-ever can implement OO concepts in Javascript rule the front-end development. Is that completely true? I don’t think so, whatever technique people are using to do OO Javascript are outdated techniques in ActionScript. We with ActionScript started using prototype long before even Flash MX 2004 and ActionScript 2 arrived. That was the only way to write manageable code in ActionScript by then.  I remember doing some games using such methods, we used to use #initclip #endinitclip to define ActionScript code that need to be executed before MovieClip is initialized. All done, but it’s OO Javascript creating a wave now in Front-End development. But I can say it’s time for us to do some thing interesting with JavaScript, when every body telling the OO JS is cool, that should have some thing super cool in it. Please join us in exploring super cool features on JavaScript in coming days.

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